We normally meet every Monday night at the Angies Cafe in Mollison St (opposite the Bowling Club), Kyneton from 6.00pm for 6.30pm start to 8.00pm in the dining room - (with some exceptions: see notes under * and ** below for further details).
Visitors and new members are very welcome.
* Please note that each January is Working Bee month for Kyneton Rotary and normal meetings are suspended - however, you are welcome to assist with our working bees if you are interested or to come along to our after work BBQs. Please contact our secretary for further information (see email details below).
** If you wish to attend a normal meeting please confirm with our secretary on the email listed below as there are times during the year when meetings may be held in different locations or at different times to accommodate particular activities or guest speakers.
Joining Rotary is a fantastic way to meet new people and become involved in our community. We are a dynamic club that is involved in local, national & international events. We welcome all who wish to make this world a better place.
Club President: Helen Keane
Club Secretary: Pip Elston: rotarykyneton@gmail.com